Archive for the ‘Literacy’ Category

Literacy 6-12: A Tale of Two Middle Schools

August 10, 2008

What do you feel were the most important factors in the literacy improvement in the Bell School?

Discuss them and then comment on two other posts by your classmates.

Article:  Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey “A tale of two middle schools: The differences in structure and instruction”

2007 INTERNATIONAL READING ASSOCIATION (pp. 204–211) doi:10.1598/JAAL.51.3.1

Assessment in Schools

July 7, 2008

Peter Afferbach talks extensively about formative and summative assessments in his excellent podcast on the International Reading Association site.  Log in to with your user name and password.  You will find the podcast under Web Resources.  Listen to the podcast and then talk about the formative reading assessments you use or would use in your classroom.

You will also be required to respond to at least one other blog entry by a student in the cohort.

Literacy Problem in School

May 19, 2008

You have been hired as a Reading Coach in an elementary school. Scores on the NYS Reading Assessments have been consistently low in all grades (3-5). The Assistant Superintendent in charge of curriculum asks you to list the most important factors to address to help improve student performance.

List the areas that you feel need to be addressed and your rationale for them. You can use your text, articles from The Reading Teacher and articles from other periodicals (including ASCD).  You must include a quote from a respected source to justify your recommendations.  If you need access to ASCD or prior journal articles from The Reading Teacher, please contact me.

You must also comment to 2 other posts on the blog from other students in the class.